July 2020

Approa­ching Space Station | Blen­der 3D


Small gimmick in Blen­der. Camera move­ment through space with a view of a space station, which is approa­ched by a space­ship. None of the models was crea­ted by me. The space station and the planets are from the great “Space explo­ra­tion 3D pack” from beam­stu­dios. The space­ship is an adapted version of a ship from “marian87” on cgtrader.com and the aste­ro­ids are from “zedve­nom” on cgtrader.com.

The scene was built and anima­ted in Blen­der 2.83 and rende­red in Blen­der 2.9 to take advan­tage of EEVE­E’s new object-based motion blur.

Gekürzte Version von “Fanfare for Space” von Kevin MacLeod.