About me

Hello, and welcome to my port­fo­lio! I’m a crea­tive mind from Germany with a passion for 3D art, photo­gra­phy, and FPV drone flying. I star­ted explo­ring diffe­rent forms of crea­tive expres­sion at a young age, and since then, I’ve enjoyed trying my hand at a little bit of ever­y­thing. Over time, I’ve deve­lo­ped a parti­cu­lar love for 3D art, and I now work as a free­lance 3D artist.

In addi­tion to my 3D art work, I’m also an avid photo­grapher, and you can find my photo­gra­phy port­fo­lio here on my website.

When I’m not crea­ting art or taking photos, you can usually find me pilo­ting my FPV drone. This exci­ting hobby allows me to expe­ri­ence the world from a unique perspec­tive, and it provi­des a welcome break from my artis­tic pursuits.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me and my work. If you’re inte­res­ted in colla­bo­ra­ting or have any ques­ti­ons, please don’t hesi­tate to get in touch.